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A+ Chicken Meat

From Farm To Fork

Savana Production Group Chicken Meat Supply Chain

Quality For Everyone

Our Story

Savana production group has started its activity since the second half of 1989 with the establishment of a veterinary pharmacy and in the following years with the construction of broiler and mother units.

Now, with the completion of the chain of production of healthy and quality chicken meat, it dreams of becoming a top integration brand of food products. It has the following facilities: slaughter line, slicing, packaging, processing, freezing tunnel, cold storage, refinery, production of meat powder and chain stores and restaurants under construction, etc. The capacity of the chicken slaughterhouse operates at its nominal capacity inscribed on its license, i.e., 120,000 pieces a day.

Veterinary Services Complex

Clinics, laboratories and pharmacies ...


Broiler Chicken Complex

Fully advanced and mechanized farms ...


Broiler chicken breeding complex

Breeding control from hatching to slaughter


Pellet Feed Production Unit

production of 90,000 tons of poultry pellets


Chicken Slaughterhouse Unit, Segments, Processing, Packaging and Freezing

Slaughter capacity of 6,000 to 8,000 chickens per hour ...



From Farm To Fork

0 Years
Number Of Complex
0 +
Annual production of poultry pellets
0 Ton
Annual production of chicken meat
0 Ton

The world of Savana products

Cold and fresh, frozen and semi-prepared

A+ Chicken Meat

Skin Off Breast

Slicing and packing with fully automatic equipment

Three Joint Wing

In various packages ...

Grilled Chicken

Fosanjan, sour, vegetables ...

Breaded Chicken

Saffron, cheese, chili ...

Leg Quarter

Skin on And Skin Off...

Whole Chicken

Clips, shrink form ...

Recipe with Savana

Healthy and delicious

The world of chicken products

دستور پخت

سمبوسه مرغ

سمبوسه مرغ یکی از انواع سمبوسه های بسیار محبوب و خوشمزه در میان ایرانیان است. مواد لازم برای ۴ نفر فیله مرغ ۳۰۰ گرم پیاز

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دستور پخت

ته چین مرغ

مواد لازم برای ۴ نفر برنج ایرانی ۳ پیمانه سینه مرغ ۱ عدد کامل ماست چکیده ۱ پیمانه پیاز ۱ عدد متوسط زرده تخم مرغ

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دستور پخت

زرشک پلو با مرغ

زرشک پلو با مرغ مجلسی درست کنید حرفه ای و خوشمزه زرشک پلو یکی از خورشت های لذیذ و خوشمزه ای است که در این بخش

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